President - Tony Taylor
Chairman - Richard Grindey.
Sue Wilde
Louise Phelps
Eleen Cowgill
Den Whate
Rachel Whate
Cate Randall.
Janet Taylor
Simon Whincup
President - Tony Taylor
Chairman - Richard Grindey.
Sue Wilde
Louise Phelps
Eleen Cowgill
Den Whate
Rachel Whate
Cate Randall.
Janet Taylor
Simon Whincup
1. The Club shall be called the National Blue Rex Club.
2. The object of the club shall be to encourage the breeding and exhibition of the blue rex and to give every possible assistance to its members and to beginners in the breed.
3. The management of the club shall be vested in its officers and executive committee, but these shall not have the power to alter the rules without sanction of the members at the AGM.
4. The officers shall consist of a president, two vice presidents, a chairperson and secretary/treasurer. Together with an executive committee of at least eight. All of whom shall be fully paid up members of the club. Any four to form a quorum.
5. The annual subscription for studs is £5.00, adults is £4.00, juniors (under 16) is £3.00 and judges is £2.00. Subscriptions fall due on January 1st, any member not paid up by 31st March are not entitled to the benefits of membership until all arrears have been paid.
6. The accounts of the club shall be prepared by the treasurer and a balance sheet up to 31st October shall be presented at the following AGM duly signed and audited by a person nominated by the executive committee.
7. The AGM shall be held at the last stock of the year and any resolutions passed shall take immediate effect. Items for the agenda shall be sent in writing not later than fourteen days prior to the date of the meeting.
8. Election of officers, executive committee, BRC rep and club judges shall be decided at the AGM nominations shall in all cases be sent in writing for the secretary accompanied by the consent of the nominees, all those serving during the previous year to be automatically re-nominated.
9. Certificates of merit will be granted for the best blue rex open shows to which not less than one blue rex class is scheduled and judged by an approved judge.
10. Approved judges shall be persons who have been elected to any or all of the following panels: National Blue Rex Club, UK Rex, BRC 3 star rex panel.
11. Club championships will be awarded where a single exhibit has been awarded FIVE 5 BRC Challenge Certificates, all of which must be won under a club judge or UK Rex panel judge with at least 5 exhibits in the class. A win can also include one Best Rex, a win at a stock show, a class win at both London Championship Show and Bradford Championship Show. At least 4 of the C's must be won by an adult rabbit. Registration for a championship is £1.50.
12. Members points will be awarded to a member who judges a National Blue Rex Stock Show of points class. The amount will be five points.
13. The Executive committee shall have the power to co-opt members of the committee as and when circumstances demand.
14. Matters not relevant to the rules, any matters not covered by the foregoing rules shall be dealt with by the executive committee.
15. Termination of the association or its amalgamation shall not take place without the consent of at least 75% of the total membership by way of a postal vote.
2. The object of the club shall be to encourage the breeding and exhibition of the blue rex and to give every possible assistance to its members and to beginners in the breed.
3. The management of the club shall be vested in its officers and executive committee, but these shall not have the power to alter the rules without sanction of the members at the AGM.
4. The officers shall consist of a president, two vice presidents, a chairperson and secretary/treasurer. Together with an executive committee of at least eight. All of whom shall be fully paid up members of the club. Any four to form a quorum.
5. The annual subscription for studs is £5.00, adults is £4.00, juniors (under 16) is £3.00 and judges is £2.00. Subscriptions fall due on January 1st, any member not paid up by 31st March are not entitled to the benefits of membership until all arrears have been paid.
6. The accounts of the club shall be prepared by the treasurer and a balance sheet up to 31st October shall be presented at the following AGM duly signed and audited by a person nominated by the executive committee.
7. The AGM shall be held at the last stock of the year and any resolutions passed shall take immediate effect. Items for the agenda shall be sent in writing not later than fourteen days prior to the date of the meeting.
8. Election of officers, executive committee, BRC rep and club judges shall be decided at the AGM nominations shall in all cases be sent in writing for the secretary accompanied by the consent of the nominees, all those serving during the previous year to be automatically re-nominated.
9. Certificates of merit will be granted for the best blue rex open shows to which not less than one blue rex class is scheduled and judged by an approved judge.
10. Approved judges shall be persons who have been elected to any or all of the following panels: National Blue Rex Club, UK Rex, BRC 3 star rex panel.
11. Club championships will be awarded where a single exhibit has been awarded FIVE 5 BRC Challenge Certificates, all of which must be won under a club judge or UK Rex panel judge with at least 5 exhibits in the class. A win can also include one Best Rex, a win at a stock show, a class win at both London Championship Show and Bradford Championship Show. At least 4 of the C's must be won by an adult rabbit. Registration for a championship is £1.50.
12. Members points will be awarded to a member who judges a National Blue Rex Stock Show of points class. The amount will be five points.
13. The Executive committee shall have the power to co-opt members of the committee as and when circumstances demand.
14. Matters not relevant to the rules, any matters not covered by the foregoing rules shall be dealt with by the executive committee.
15. Termination of the association or its amalgamation shall not take place without the consent of at least 75% of the total membership by way of a postal vote.